Rotary Rewind – Jan. 15, 2020
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If you didn’t make it to our last Rotary Club of Forest Grove meeting, here’s what you missed…
Club Announcements
In The Boxer Pause Next Week: Next week’s Wednesday meeting will be held in the Boxer Pause room on the main level of the University Center at Pacific University. As we did on Jan. 8, we will be taking our lunch through the dining commons. Our meeting will start at approximately 12:15 p.m., so please allow yourself plenty of time to move through and select your lunch.
The club is working with Pacific University to make the Boxer Pause our permanent meeting location and to make going through the commons our regular linch option, both of which will save the club money. Pacific has committed to making improvements to the Boxer Pause room, including better presentation screens and a wireless microphone, to better serve our club needs. If you have questions or concerns, please let President Tim Pearson know.
Road Cleanup: Our first road cleanup service project of 2020 is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 1, 8:30 a.m. We will meet at the Oregon Department of Forestry offices at 801 Gales Creek Road. All who participate in the cleanup will receive a ticket to the Pacific University basketball doubleheader on Sat., Feb. 8. For questions, please contact Andrea Stewart.
Farmer’s Day: Our annual Farmer’s Day event will take place on Wed., January 29. A sign-up sheet to invite local farmers to join us that day will be passed around at next week’s meeting. Or, if you know a local farmer, feel free to invite them! Our program that week will be Terry Ross of the Oregon Hemp Foundation, who will present on hemp industry in Oregon.
For those new to our club, Farmer’s Day is our way of thanking farmers who provide so much to our community and to our local economy. Invited farmers enjoy the meal at the January 29 meeting free of charge.
Youth Citizens Of The Month: Last Wednesday we honored our January Youth Citizens of the Month from the Forest Grove School District, Jasmin Escobar Mendoza of Neil Armstrong Middle School and Sebastian Doran of Forest Grove High School. Both of these fine students received a certificate and a $50 gift certificate to Frye’s Action Athletics. You can read more about these students soon on our website. Video of the presentation can be seen now on our Forest Grove Rotary Facebook Page.
Concours Update: Thanks to the work of Michelle Thomas, the entertainment for this year’s Concours d’Elegance will be none other than Michael Allen Harrison, who has agreed to perform free of charge! Thank you, Michelle, for your work to make this happen for our upcoming show. Remember, this year’s Concours d’Elegance will take place on Sunday, July 19.
Rotary Scholarships: Applications for the 2020 Rotary Club of Forest Grove Scholarship Program are now available! The program is open to graduating seniors who live in the Forest Grove, Gaston and Banks school district attendance areas. The program is funded through the proceeds our club receives by putting on the annual Concours d’Elegance. Seniors who wish to apply can get an application from their school guidance counselor or download the form from the Rotary Club of Forest Grove Website. Applications are due by Fri., April 9.
In Memoriam: It is with sadness that we announce that Andy Klein, a longtime member of our club and president in the 1960-61 Rotary Year, passed away on January 10 in Forest Grove. A full obituary on Andy can be Read Here.
Thank You Julia & Welcome Bryce: Our Dec. 18 meeting marked the last with Julia Kollar as our program chair. Thank you, Julia, for all of your exceptional work on bringing the programs together during 2019 and we look forward to your upcoming year as club president beginning in July!
At the same time, we welcome Bryce Baker as the new Program Chair. If you have ideas for a potential program, please let Bryce know.
Pacific University Scholarship Fund: The club received a report from Pacific University that the current value of the club’s endowed scholarship fund is now $32,968. The fund is part of the club annual scholarship program, which is funded by the proceeds of our annual Concours d’Elegance.
Next Week’s Duty Roster for Jan. 22: Make note of your assignment!
Greeters: Kerri Willis & Claudia Yakos
Thought for the Day: Ryan Garcia
Rototeller Article: Pamelajean Myers
Raffle Prize: Leslie Hallick
District Announcements
Save The Date – District Training Assembly: The 2020 District 5100 Training Assembly will take place on Sat., Apr. 4, at Oregon City High School. Anyone interested in learning more about Rotary and our district and anyone who is involved or wishes to be involved in the leadership of the club is strongly encouraged to attend. More information will be available soon.
Save The Date – District 5100 Conference: The Annual District 5100 Conference will take place May 14-17 at the Mt. Hood Oregon Resort (formerly The Resort At The Mountain) in Welches. This conference is a celebration of the Rotary year and the good work our Rotarians do in District 5100. There is a block of rooms set aside for the District at $129 per night. Mention “Rotary District 5100 Conference” for that rate. Reservations can be made by calling 503-622-2220 or online at
Last Week’s Program: Jennifer Anderson, Setting Goals & Sticking To Them
Last week, we were treated to a program by Jennifer Anderson, who is a speaker, life coach and author of the book “Plant Yourself Where You Will Bloom.” A resident of the Portland area, Jennifer has known Bryce Baker and his family for many years. Jennifer talked to the club about goal-setting and provided five tips on setting purposeful goals and sticking to them.
First & Foremost: Don’t give up.
Tip 1 – Identify A Vision For A Successful Outcome. If you can’t see yourself accomplishing a goal, it is not going to happen. She encourages people to think about a goal until they can truly see themselves being able to accomplish it. She talked about “Not shoulding on yourself.” In other words, don’t project on yourself what others think you should be focused on.
Tip 2 – Capture Your Vision In Words & Images. You have to write a goal down to make it tangible. Even if you write it down and don’t consciously work at it, you are still more likely to see it come to fruition. Be specific. It can help to capture an image related to your goal and place it where you will see it regularly.
Tip 3 – Identify Powerful Daily Habits That Lead To Success. Identify those habits that make your day better and put specific focus on the ones that will help lead you to your goal.
Tip 4 – Tell Someone That Matters. Isolation is a dream killer When you don’t share your goal, it is easy to leave it on the wayside. Find someone or multiple people who can hold you accountable. If you can find five people to share a goal with, you are five times as likely to accomplish it.
Tip 5 – Accountability For Yourself. Find a way to find yourself accountable for your goals. Find a goal buddy, a coach, a mastermind group, someone who can help keep you on track.
Club Calendar
Wed., Jan. 22: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Pacific University Boxer Pause
Program: Celeste Goulding, Severe Weather Shelter
Wed., Jan. 29: Weekly Meeting, Noon, Pacific University Boxer Pause
Program: Farmer’s Day, Terry Ross, Oregon Hemp Foundation
Sat., Feb. 1: Road Cleanup, 8:30 a.m., Oregon Department of Forestry, 801 Gale Creek Rd.