McDougall Garden Planting Party – May 2
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Social distancing rules could not keep Rotary Club members from continuing to do their part to beautify the community. The club held a work party on Saturday, May 2, to plant flowers at the club’s McDougall Memorial Garden. The garden is located between Pacific Avenue and 19th Avenue near the large flagpole at the east end of the city.
The flowers in the garden were purchased from Forest Grove High School’s plant and horticulture program.
Despite the rain, we were able to get flowers planted, beds weeded and the garden looking good for the summer. Thank you to Rob Foster, Geoff Faris and Lucas Welliver for helping to coordinate everything. Thank you as well to the Rotarians who came out and worked: Pamelajean Myers, Jeannine Murrell, Jim Cain, Paul Waterstreet and Howard Sullivan.