Rotary Rewind – Jan. 15, 2024

Posted By admin

If you did not make it to our last Rotary Club of Forest Grove meeting, here is what you missed…

This Week – At Forest Grove UCC: During the month of January, our club will continue to meet for our Wednesday weekly meetings at the Forest Grove United Church of Christ, 2023 College Way. Join us for a club assembly where President Amy will lead us through a discussion about generational poverty and the writings of Donna Beagle. Members are encouraged to watch this TED Talk and Read This Article before the meeting. We will also be honoring our Rotary Youth Citizens of the Month from Banks High School.

In Case Of Inclement Weather: The safety of our members is our top priority. If inclement weather forces the cancellation of our Wednesday meeting, we will communicate with the club through both email and social media. We hope that everyone has stayed safe and warm through the recent cold snap.

Order Your Lunches In Advance: If you wish to receive lunch at meetings, confirmation for lunch orders must be received by secretary Janet Peters by the Saturday before each week’s meeting. A sign-up sheet will be available at weekly meetings or you can RSVP to Janet via email.

Satellite Club Meeting: This month’s Satellite Club meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, Jan. 18, 6:30 p.m., at Zesti Food Carts, 2131 Yew Street, Forest Grove. All Rotarians are invited for an evening of fellowship.

Forest Grove HS Interact Club: Our inbound Youth Exchange student, Fareeha Nayebare, has restarted the Interact Club at Forest Grove High School! Meetings take place on Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. All Rotarians are welcome. For questions, please talk with Fareeha at our meetings.

Youth Exchange Meeting: Any members interested in our involvement with the Rotary Youth Exchange program are invited to attend a meeting of the Youth Exchange Committee on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 6:30 p.m., at Zesti Food Carts, 2131 Yew St., Forest Grove. The meeting will be focused on continuing to support Fareeha through the rest of her exchange year, future planning and planning for this spring’s Outbound Student Search. Please contact Melinda Fischer with questions.

Thank You Lucas & Welcome Andrea: We want to give a big thank you to our president-elect, Lucas Welliver, who had completed a great year as the club’s program chair. Thank you, Lucas, for the great programs and meetings that you brought to you club. We wish you all of the best as you take the next six months to prepare for your year as club president.

At the same time, we give a big 2024 welcome to president-elect nominee Andrea Stewart who steps in for her year as program chair. We look forward to your great ideas and thank you for your continued service of the club. If you have a program idea or a topic that you think would be of interest to the club, please let Andrea know.

Crab Feed Committee: Our Crab Feed Committee, chaired by Julia Kollar, is starting to meet to plan this spring’s event. If you are interested in being involved in the planning and execution of this year’s event, please contact Julia.

The Crab Feed is a social event designed to be a celebration for the club and usually takes place in March. It is also when our club honors its newest Paul Harris Fellows and those who have advanced in Paul Harris Fellow recognition.

Concours d’Elegance Committee: The Concours d’Elegance Committee is starting the planning for our 50th show on July 21, 2024. If interested in getting further involved with the Concours, the steering committee is always looking for volunteers to prepare for the show throughout the year. For more information, contact Tom Raabe at 503-704-1200 or or Geoff Johnston at 503-939-7868 or

The next meeting of the Concours Committee will be on Wednesday, Feb. 14 via Zoom at 7 p.m.

A Note About PMail: When club leadership sends out emails through the DacDB Pmail system (these will usually have ROTARY in the subject line), these are mass emails sent for the purpose of informing the whole club of information. While it may look like the email is addressed specifically to you, it is not. Please keep this in mind when choosing to reply to an email.

The PMail system is the same system we use to send the Rototeller out each week. This means that if you are opting-out of receiving club emails, you will not receive the weekly newsletter either.

Past Programs: Did you miss a meeting or want to go back and check out a program again? Most of our programs since May 2020 (over 100 videos to date) are archived on our club’s YouTube page. Visit


Service Opportunities For Club Members
Do You Know Of Service Opportunities?: Are you aware of service opportunities in our area that our members might be interested in? We can advertise those here! This space is not limited to club-sponsored activities but to any service opportunity in the community. To promote the service activity, please send a detailed description of the project, the date and time, contact information and a link to register to Rototeller editor Blake Timm,

FGHS Community Food Pantry: Our club’s support for the Forest Grove High School Food Pantry continues.  Thanks to its partnership with the Oregon Food Bank, food donations are still welcome but are of less need at this time. Of need, however, are toiletries and hygiene products as well as household cleaning materials.

The Food Pantry is open Mondays from 4-5:30 p.m. The pantry is located along Nichols Lane between the football field and the Basinski Center. Click Here for more information on the FGHS Food Pantry and on other resources for those experiencing food insecurity.

For information on the Food Pantry, please contact Brian Burke, If you wish to make a cash donation to the pantry, Click Here.


Around District 5100
Registration Now Open For Rotary One Conference: Make your plans now to attend the One Rotary Conference, District 5100’s combined training assembly and annual conference. This year’s conference runs from Friday, April 26 to Sunday, April 28 at the Best Western Hood River Inn in Hood River. This is a wonderful opportunity to not only learn more about Rotary, but to connect with Rotarians from all across the District.

The annual conference includes district training sessions on both Friday and Saturday. Friday evening features a barbeque dinner buffet and the annual Youth Exchange Talent Show, a dinner event on Saturday and the annual awards ceremony and passing of the district governor banner on Sunday.

As our own Jeannine Murrell will be receiving the banner in advance of her district governor year, we would like to see as many members of our club as possible attend the conference to support her!

A link to register for the conference, along with the schedule of events and a link for hotel reservations at the Rotary rate, can be found at This DacDB Link (you must log in to DacDB to access).

District 5100 Newsletter: Click Here To View The Monthly District 5100 Newsletter


Last Week’s Program: Natalie Olivier, Cornelius Vision 2045
Click Here To View The Complete Program

Last week’s program was an open discussion led by Natalie Olivier of 3J Consulting on Cornelius Vision 2045. Implemented by the city of Cornelius, Vision 2045 will bring community aspirations and values together to create an inspiring shared image of the future that both guides and unites the community as the city continues to grow. It will work as the foundation to a variety of future planning efforts such as the city’s Vision Implementation Plan, the Comprehensive Plan Update and the Parks Master Plan.

Olivier asked club members to talk about what is working well and being done right in the city of Cornelius right now and what members think can be improved to make Cornelius a better place for residents and businesses.

We encourage you to watch the program to learn more about what was discussed. You can also learn more about the project by visiting the Cornelius Vision 2045 Website.

Club Calendar

Wed., Jan. 17: Weekly Meeting, Noon
Forest Grove United Church of Christ, 2032 College Way
Program: Club Assembly/Youth Citizen of the Month Presentation

Thurs., Jan. 18: Board Meeting, 7 a.m.
via Zoom

Thurs., Jan. 18: Satellite Club Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Zesti Food Carts, 2131 Yew St.

Wed., Jan. 24: Weekly Meeting, Noon
Forest Grove United Church of Christ, 2032 College Way
Program: Doug Marshall, Home For The Homeless Foundation

Wed., Jan. 24: Youth Exchange Committee, 6:30 p.m.
Zesti Food Carts, 2131 Yew St.

Wed., Jan. 31: Weekly Meeting, Noon
Forest Grove United Church of Christ, 2032 College Way
Program: Kevin Barton, Washington County DA

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